Monday, October 31, 2011

Cain is the New Judge Thomas

So as we gaze upon the media-slander fest going on right now against Cain....We are not the least bit shocked or surprised.

I'm actually surprised it took them this long. What a threat Cain is to the Democratic party. He is a strong, black conservative. Their eyeballs are rolling around the back of their heads they are so perplexed. Their entire race-baiting strategy is destroyed when the black conservatives knock them flat on their backs. I mean...They've been buying the black vote for DECADES. They've spent enormous time and money rewriting history. They DESERVE the black vote, right?


Of course, there's always a reason this happens. I'm sure if you dig deep today you'll find a small headline somewhere the WH does not want the media to focus on. Something is being hidden. That's the way this mafia WH works. Perhaps it's the lame remark Obama made about Pelosi becoming speaker again in 2013. I don't know about you but I had to hold back the waves of nausea when I heard THAT one.

I hope some brilliant and creative conservative can go back in time and collect a "best of" collection of "horrifying moments of Nancy Pelosi's time as speaker". There were so many...but well worth the trip down memory lane.

We will NOT forget how helpless and frustrated we felt when the Dems had total control. It was like watching your loved ones being tortured and you were powerless to stop it. They were rude...mean spirited....and ugly. U-G-L-Y. Reid and Pelosi said things and did things that true leaders don't do. They did what dictators do. They completely ignored the people. No matter how unpopular something was if it forwarded their cause of socialism they shoved it down our throats and then laughed in our faces that we could not stop it. They lied through their teeth over and over. They were insulting. Nancy Pelosi saying "You don't need to know how the fridge light open the door and it just does" makes my skin crawl even now.

And how could we forget the gavel? The deliberate race-baiting and race card accusations. Getting members of the black caucus to LIE and try to provoke an act of racism (that NEVER HAPPENED) by walking thru the Tea Party crowd who had every right to be there to state their displeasure at Obamacare.

She called Tea Party grandmothers "racist mobs". When people began protesting loudly at town hall meetings...which they had never in their lives done but felt SOO FRUSTRATED by the Dems who WOULD NOT LISTEN they felt compelled to. According to Nancy we're supposed to sit quietly like good like peasants and let them destroy our country. When the Dems want to protest something it's patriotic. When the GOP protests they are suddenly "racist mobs".

No, Barry, we're not forgetting the nightmare that was Nancy Pelosi. And we haven't forgotten Reid either. Fortunately, for our country, these two old geezers will not be around much longer so our future is safe. But I can guarantee you this...She won't be speaker again....EVER.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hollywood Needs to take Truth Serum

I think Hollywood has gone over the edge. Do these celebrities really think they have the right to influence and brainwash the public in political matters? Apparently they do. Apparently Ron Howard, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have decided THEIR ideology is the only one that is right. THEY have decided that as celebrities they will use their power to influence the American public.

Do you see these multi-millionaires sitting on a beach in the Carribean somewhere having cocktails with servants at their feet bemoaning the "poor people without jobs"? It's popular in their little club to trash the conservatives and Fox News and of course...they are SO TALENTED and KNOW EVERYTHING...of COURSE they have the right to ram their beliefs down our throats. Who else would take care of the little people?

Tom Hanks should be ashamed of himself. I used to ADORE his movies. Now I can't stand the thought of watching one. I would not watch ANY film or project associated with Ron Howard, either. And Steven Spielberg...what is the story with this? Is he more liberal than he is Jewish? They want to trash the Americans for being racist in the Pacific wars yet...did we not turn a blind eye toward the Jewish people during WWII? Wouldn't THAT be the real story of racism during WWII???

Oh...That's right...the Liberals don't like Israel so that would be a "No-No".

It's dispicable and they will find out in a hard way just how the American public feels about this. Tom Hanks hasn't done a movie lately that hasn't been panned in controversy. Guess what? He will be remembered in the Hollywood books as "The actor who had everyone's heart...and then became disillusioned by ideology and lost his mind and was rejected at the end to become some bitter, old, washed up dumbass that nobody could stand to watch."

Way to go Hollywood.

I watched Dana Carvey go on Leno and trash James Stewart as some kind of Hollywood whore. He was making fun of how people thought of him as some great wholesome if that is just UNBEARABLE. So go take a look at James Stewart and see what his accomplishments were in Hollywood. Hmmmm...Sorry...I don't think old has-been SNL comedians come anywhere CLOSE to those kind of accomplishments. Do I CARE what James Stewart private life was all about?? NO. I DO NOT.

Tom Hanks and Ron Howard....take a note from the Jane Fonda book of Idiots.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I was hoping it was a phase. But undoubtedly, Tom Hanks has completely been assimilated by the far-left and is now officially a lost cause. Apparently, he now believes we are a racist country who vilified the poor, innocent Japanese people. We didn't attack Japan because they attacked us...or terrorize southeast Asia. We attacked Japan because we're racist and that is why we attacked Iraq and it is why we're in Afghanistan. At least...this is what Tom Hanks believes.

Any day now he will reveal himself as a truther I'm sure.

Where in the hell does this come from?? Is his wife doing this? He wasn't always a COO-COO like Michael Moore was he? Did he just have us fooled? He has completely lost his mind.

What's really puzzling is why Steven Spielberg is buying into this garbage? Did we not turn a blind eye to the Jewish plight during WWII? Why is that okay??

Was there racism in 1941?


We also believed Martians had landed and taken over Earth when we listened to Orson Wells radio show. And 95% of us lived on farms and grew the food we ate. We didn't have television. We had a radio to listen to for news.

Most people only saw footage of the war in newsreels at the movie theater.

I wonder how Bob Hope would feel about this?? Or Jimmy Stewart? I don't think they'd be happy at all.

When the President announced that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor to most people that was as close as the nearest city. It was horrifying. It was unbelievable. Most people had never even seen a Japanese person in their life.

Yet an ENTIRE GENERATION of men and women came together to protect and preserve their country and fight for their homeland. It was one of the most patriotic and heroic things any generation has ever done in our history.

And Tom Hanks has taken a giant poop on the WWII generation by calling our country RACIST. He conveniently does not mention the anti-semitism and blind eye we gave the Jewish people of course...we were only racist when we were attacking the Japanese.

Steven Spielberg...what the hell??

I will not be spending my money or time watching any movies involving Tom Hanks (or Ron Howard for that matter). Sorry Hollywood. You're not going to re-write history for your political agenda and get away with it.

You can tell Matt Damon that, too.

No more of your movies...or've been officially turned off.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Obama is a LIAR

I have never seen a more arrogant President in my life.

The Democrats have held a supermajority for a YEAR. There are 256 Democrats in Congress. There are 59 Democrats in the Senate. There are 178 Republicans in Congress. There are 49 Republicans.

NO REPUBLICANS HAVE BLOCKED HEALTHCARE. The ONLY people blocking Healthcare have been the DEMOCRATS.

This bill is so CORRUPT it could not pass. It became so corrupt and ugly, giving unions a pass from having to pay taxes, giving bribes of billions of dollars for people's became so ugly in Washington that the PEOPLE OF MASSACHUSSETS voted a REPUBLICAN to the senate to send a message to Obama. He still refuses to listen.

Obama is so arrogant and full of himself he STILL refuses to see the writing on the wall. He is delusional. He is a crook. And he is a liar.

Bill Clinton had enough commen sense to acknowledge the American people when they rose up to disagree with what he was doing. Obama does not have that common sense. He is too consumed with himself and with his party to listen.

He is driving the Democratic party off a cliff. How many more Democrats are going to stay in the car and drive off the cliff with him? We shall see.

But I know the more he denies his faults and refuses to show RESPECT to the American people...the more likely he will go down in history as our worst president ...EVER.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Power to the People

I am very excited about Scott Brown in Massachussets. The American people are turning out in mass to defeat the healthcare bill. If nothing else it will force Obama to face reality...if you are defeated by the people of Mass then you have to realize the concern of the American people. Unfortunately, there is such arrogance by the Democrats they probably don't get it.

Never in my life time have I seen a more arrogant President. I really think the Democrats thought they had secured a super majority forever. It's turning out not so true. The question is how desperate they become to maintain power. They've paid off every lobby and interest group by the hundreds of millions to buy their power, but does that really make things secure? I think it makes the interest groups twice as greedy and with that formula you usually end up with self destruction.

Not only has this administration closed its eyes to reality it has made a bed of greed and corruption. I question how much power Obama really has. I think Rahm Emanuel is the person calling the shots. Should Obama really put all his trust in this person? Doesn't he have self-interests of his own? I don't think Obama is very smart when it comes to these things. I think he has been a prop of the DNC for quite a while. I can think of a dozen things that Obama could have compromised on that would have given him an easy victory yet he chose to be greedy and instead side with the all or nothing mantra. Healthcare will be the biggest failure of his administration. We have spent the better part of 8 months in this horrible battle over healthcare. The American people against his agenda. Some things could have been achieved months ago like tort reform but Obama chose all or nothing.

This proves an obvious fact. This president is not concerned about healthcare reform as much as he is determined to take over 1/6 of the economy. That is the real holy grail here. Having a structure in place to control the American people. Making the population dependent on the government. So many ways for the government to reduce our freedom and control many ways for the government to control our lives. That is what this is all about. A universal healthcare system is the first major hurdle to enforce socialism.

The American people are rejecting this as they realize it is the real goal of Obama's agenda. People in Boston are forming their own Boston Tea Party. If Scott Brown wins and Obama still forces this horrible bill down the peoples' throats then the Democrats might as well pack it up and leave. It will be party suicide.

Let's hope that our representatives in Washington listen. Let's hope they understand what the American people are saying. If they vote with Obama they are voting to end their careers. If they vote with the people they will be rock stars.

Imagine...any moderate Democrat standing up to say "Wait a minute...I am not down with this". He would instantly be a rock star. Let's pray that happens.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


So I was watching Glenn Beck today and as usual Obama and his goons pre-empted his show. This is becoming a regular occurrence. Apparently, the White House believes it is more important to focus on Glenn Beck than anything else. The Chicago Mafia put out a message today that they were going to give a "shocking report" on intelligence failures to make sure we all watched his speech. Of course, it was nothing. It was as if Robert Gibbs gave instructions beforehand..."Look REAL mad and REAL serious and act like you REALLY mean it." They delayed and delayed and Obama came out right before Glenn Beck. Then during the Beck show the other two goons came out and gave "REAL serious" speeches...and said nothing.

This is part of the Rahm Emanual "Never let a crisis go to waste" manual. Yes, our White House is more concerned with pre-empting Glenn Beck and giving political speeches than it is really serious about fighting terrorists. It's as if middle school has come to run the government.

Well I guess that is shocking.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Our Founding Fathers are Disgusted

It's a sad, sad day in our history when the government overrides the will of the American people who voted them into office and yields to evil. Obama is a socialist who wants nothing more than to change our country to a socialist body. He does not love our country...he loathes our country.

What part of this do you people not understand?

When you're standing in line at the grocery store waiting for food? When you get a number to see a doctor for an appointment 8 months in advance? When you are told that you can't have that surgery because your don't qualify for it even if you want to pay out of pocket?

When they raise interest rates and the dollar collapses are you going to understand? When going to the doctor is like standing at the DMV or going to the post office? When you can't afford to run your electricity all day? When you ration water?

How many auction signs do you have to see on the side of the road to understand? Is it easier to just watch TV and not pay attention?

We did not fight the Revolutionary War to become a socialist country. Obama does not give a SHIT about this country. He wants "social justice". He wants on an even par with the third world. We don't "deserve" to be wealthy and powerful. He thinks we're evil. It's "our time" to pay up. Read his book. He explains it quite clearly. didn't hear that on the news??? Gee...I can't imagine why.

The American people are realizing what a huge mistake this was and we will vote out these idiots and be able to repeal much of the damage. But a lot will remain and it will take decades to fix. The far-left socialists are not going to give up easily but they can be defeated. But we can't rely on Hollywood idiots to convince us to believe in these people. We cannot believe billionaire Al Gore. We can't believe the commercials that say that some kid in Africa is feeding his four siblings because his parents died and now he can't eat. How long have we been seeing this kid in Africa on TV? All my life. How many TRILLIONS of dollars have we sent to Africa to save this kid?? HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Why hasn't the problem been fixed? Because the money we sent went into the pocket of some tribal warlord who took the food and the money and starved off MILLIONS of people because he wanted their land.

The same thing is happening with global warming. The third world is standing there with their hands out wanting our prosperity and money not because they want to fix their problems or become a civilized nation...but because they are CORRUPT.

Americans have a problem with believing everything they hear. That's why they were so easily fooled by this socialist Obama idiot. We're too busy downloading music to our Ipods, playing on the computer, watching DVDs on our flat screen TVs, running around shopping and enjoying a rich life. Well...hate to break it to you but you're about to be rudely awakened. Your government is selling our souls to the devil and you're not even paying attention.

It truly makes me sick.